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HOA daglige Pranayama- øvelser  


Å puste er noe av det mest naturlige vi gjør som mennesker. Det er en gave og et veldig kraftig verktøy som kan gjøre oss i stand til å skape mer letthet og balanse i livene våre. Å ta tid til å fokusere på pusten lar oss ta en pause fra daglige påkjenninger, fysiske symptomer og følelser som har tatt over sinnet. Det er i det øyeblikket hvor vi fokuserer på pusten at vi kan gå tilbake til en nøytral tilstand, få klarhet, føle oss forynget og forbedre en generell følelse av velvære.

Når du inviterer en Pranayama-øvelse inn i din daglige rutine;


Du er dommeren. Hvis du føler ubehag eller ørhet, stopp umiddelbart og gå tilbake til normal pust. Ta et øyeblikk, ta en pause og forstå hvordan du har det.

Tving aldri eller begrense pusten. Ikke gå på akkord med kvaliteten på pusten. Gjør så godt du kan. Jo mer du trener, jo lenger vil du være i stand til å utføre øvelsene, og til slutt vil du kunne bruke mer av lungekapasiteten din.


Tålmodighet og øvelse. Pranayama bør gjøres med stor forsiktighet og bevissthet. Prøv å holde fokus på reisen, ikke destinasjonen! Over tid vil du begynne å legge merke til fordelene med praksisen.


Forholdsregler. Hvis du er gravid, eller lider av diabetes, høyt/lavt blodtrykk, hjertesykdommer, epilepsi eller svimmelhet, vennligst kontakt helsepersonell før du utfører noen av disse pusteøvelsene.

Fordeler med å ta en vanlig Pranayama-praksis;


  • Bidrar til å forbedre hypertensjon

  • Bidrar til å forbedre fordøyelsessystemets funksjon

  • Styrker immunforsvaret

  • Styrker luftveiene

  • Hjelper med å lindre symptomer på kronisk stress og humørubalanser

  • Kan bidra til å forbedre søvnkvaliteten og redusere søvnløshet

For å nyte den beste opplevelsen anbefaler vi å;

  • Finn et rolig sted i hjemmet ditt  sette opp ditt hellige rom  og  brenne litt røkelse.

  • Arbeid med dine favoritt essensielle oljer eller krystaller for å forbedre meditasjonen din.

  • Bruk gode hodetelefoner eller stereohøyttalere for optimal lyd.

  • Øv én pranayama i én uke, to ganger om dagen, daglig, ha en fridag eller to.  

Eksempel på ukentlige Pranayama-øvelser;

  • Uke én: Dirga Pranayama, velg Floral + Urteaktige essensielle oljer

  • Uke to: Quantum Pause Pranayama, velg Resinous + Camphoraceous + Minty e ssential oils

  • Uke tre: Kapalabhati Pranayama, velg Citrus + Minty essensielle oljer

  • Uke fire: Chandra & Surya Anga Pranayama, velg Resinous + Earthy e essential oils

Når du blir mer kjent med Pranayama- øvelsene , kan du mikse og matche dem mens du går;

  • Uke én: Morning Dirga Pranayama, Evening Chandra & Surya Anga Pranayama

  • Uke to: Morgen Kapalabhati Pranayama, Kvant Quantum Pause Pranayama

  • Uke tre: Morning Chandra & Surya Anga Pranayama, kveld Dirga Pranayama

  • Uke fire:  Morning Quantum Pause Pranayama, Evening Kapalabhati Pranayama (før kl. 20.00)

The Sanskrit word Vayu translates as “wind,” and the root ‘va’ translates to “that which flows.” Thus a Vayu is an energetic force that moves in a specific direction to control bodily functions and activities. The ancient yogis found 49 distinct types of Vayus in the body. Only five of the main Vayus or Pancha Pranas are important for yoga practitioners to understand.



Apana-Vayu is situated in the pelvic floor and its energy pervades the lower abdomen. Apana-Vayu translates as “the air that moves away,” and its flow is downwards and out. Its energy nourishes the organs of digestion, reproduction, and elimination. Apana-Vayu governs the elimination of all substances from the body: carbon dioxide, urine, stool, etc. This Vayu’s action is elimination, its expression is steadiness, and its associated chakras and elements are Muladhara and Earth. A weak or dysfunctional Apana-Vayu creates feelings of ungroundedness and weakness in the legs. Elimination issues or diseases that affect the intestines, kidneys, or urinary tract can be related to disturbed Apana prana.


To experience Apana-Vayu: Close your eyes, sit or stand with a long spine and relaxed body, and as you exhale feel an energy flowing down the torso from the top of the head to the tailbone, and then out through the legs and feet.


To strengthen Apana-Vayu: Practice calming and tension releasing poses like forward bends and seated twists. Focus on engaging the leg muscles and grounding down in standing yoga poses strengthen this Vayu. Bringing awareness of Apana-Vayu in any yoga pose creates a focus to ground and stabilize the lower body.

Vyana-Vayu is situated in the heart and lungs and flows throughout the entire body. Vyana-Vayu translates as “outward moving air,” and its flow moves from the center of the body to the periphery. It governs the circulation of all substances throughout the body and assists the other Vayus with their functions. This Vayu’s action is circulation, its expression is alignment, and its associated chakras and elements are Svadisthana and Water. A weak or dysfunctional Vyana-Vayu can create feelings of separation and alienation and can create disjointed, fluctuating and rambling thoughts. Poor circulation, impaired nerve stimulation, skin disorders, and nervous breakdowns can be related to disturbed Vyana-Vayu. 


To experience Vyana-Vayu: Close your eyes, sit or stand with a long spine and relaxed body, and as you inhale feel the breath radiating outward from the navel to the arms and legs.

To strengthen Vyana-Vayu: Practice pranayama with kumbhaka (breath retention). Focus your asana practice more on vinyasa movements like the Sun Salutations to circulate prana and blood. Bringing awareness of Vyana-Vayu in any yoga pose creates a focus on strength and fluid movement body.


Samana-Vayu is situated in the abdomen with its energy centered in the navel. Samana-Vayu translates to “the balancing air” and its flow moves from the periphery of the body to the center. It governs the digestion and assimilation of all substances: food, air, experiences, emotions, and thoughts. This Vayu’s action is assimilation, its expression is internal, and its associated chakras and elements are Manipura and Fire. A weak or dysfunctional Samana-Vayu can manifest as poor judgment, low confidence and a lack of motivation and desire. Issues with digestion can be related to disturbed Samana-Vayu.


To experience Samana-Vayu: Close your eyes, sit or stand with a long spine and relaxed body, and as you inhale and exhale feel the breath rising and falling in the front, sides, and back of the torso. 


To strengthen Samana-Vayu: Focus your asana practice on twisting poses and core-strengthening yoga poses. Practice Kapalabhati Pranayama with Uddiyana Bandha. Bringing awareness of Samana-Vayu in any yoga pose creates a focus to open and relax the body.

Prana-Vayu is situated in the heart, and its energy pervades the chest region. Prana-Vayu translates as “forward moving air,” and its flow is inwards and upward. It nourishes the brain and the eyes and governs the reception of all things: food, air, senses, and thoughts. This Vayu is the fundamental energy in the body and directs and feeds into the four other Vayus. This Vayu’s action is crystallisation, its expression is cyclical, and its associated chakras and elements are Anahata and Air. When this Vayu is weak, the mind cannot focus and experiences excess worry. Shortness of breath, anxiety, low energy or a poor immune system can be related to disturbed Prana-Vayu.

To experience Prana-Vayu: Close your eyes, sit or stand with a long spine and relaxed body, and as you inhale feel an energy flowing up the torso from the belly to the third-eye. Alternatively, practice our third eye meditation.

To strengthen Prana-Vayu: Practicing pranayamas like Bhastrika, Nadi Shodhana and Ujjayi Pranayama will quickly strengthen this Vayu. Heart-opening yoga poses like bow pose, camel pose, cobra pose, dancer pose, and bridge pose will activate and strengthen the Prana-Vayu. To encourage this vital wind to flow upward practice inversions and poses with raised arms like Warrior I, Chair pose, and Mountain pose. Bringing awareness of Prana-Vayu in any yoga pose creates a focus to lift, lengthen and open the upper body.

Udana-Vayu is situated in the throat and it has a circular flow around the neck and head. Udana-Vayu translates to “that which carries upward,” and its flow moves upward from the heart to the head, five senses, and brain. It functions to “hold us up” and governs speech, self-expression, and growth. This Vayu’s action is metabolization, its expression is verbal, and its associated chakras and elements are Vishuddha & Ajna and ether. A weak or dysfunctional Udana-Vayu can manifest as speech difficulties, shortness of breath and diseases of the throat. A lack of self-expression, uncoordinated movement or loss of balance can be related to disturbed Udana-Vayu.

To experience Udana-Vayu: Close your eyes, sit or stand with a long spine and relaxed body, and as you inhale and exhale feel the breath circulating around and through the head and neck.

To strengthen Udana-Vayu: Practice Ujjayi Pranayama and Bhramari Pranayama with Jalandhara Bandha. Focus on practicing inversions and backbending yoga poses that bring energy to the neck, shoulders, and head. Bringing awareness of Udana-Vayu in any yoga pose creates a focus to maintain a long spine and a correct posture.

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